Creator- Tulica Singh pictured with hunky star Croissant Man
I spent my formative post-collegiate years perfecting my cappuccino as a barista in Washington heights. I passed the mid-afternoon lull avoiding questions like “will I ever use my degree?” by staring through the glass encasement housing the morning’s unsold pastries.
We were together. A frivolous display. A useless existence.
But this “useless” pause before adulthood gave me more than I could have ever hoped for. I had a chance to notice the beauty of the everyday. The drama of the mundane. The pastries took on a life of their own and every little thing became exciting. Life became an appreciation of existence, rather than a question of it. True happiness could be as simple as the perfect cappuccino.
With Croissant Man I’d like to pay tribute to the food that reflected my in-between state. I’d like to have fun with the idea of a Croissant going through an existential crisis, but make it so real that the viewer forgets she is watching a puppet. By exploring highly dramatic situations using comically dressed pastries I hope to communicate the fact that life should always be meaningful but never serious. By showing a little world I want to show my great appreciation for the little things. Because ultimately happiness is just a collection of little things.
All my Love,
Tulica and Croissant